
Shade-Grown Isn’t Good Enough

I loved learning that coffee played an instrumental role in the Enlightenment. All those men switching from beer to coffee! No wonder they had a lot to talk about. Nowadays, the coffee trade is staggering and fraught with political and environmental issues.  Many conscientious coffee drinkers seek out Fair Trade and Shade-Grown coffee, but, according…

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Abram, Woolf and the Manx Cat

The book that has been waiting for me in the wings – ecologists and philosophers could have told me – is David Abram’s The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-Than Human World. It’s been a classic of the environmental movement for over twenty years but is new to me. Abrams speaks…

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Rethinking Beauty in our Gardens

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Doug Tallamy for the forthcoming In the Weeds podcast (stay tuned!). His book, Bringing Nature Home, packs a powerful message – that to help insure the survival of the many species on our planet – and, yes, that includes us – we need to rethink our way of…

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Christmas Tree

I love the Christmas tree, its unmistakable smell, the kindled magic it brings to the dark days of winter. And yet, this year, I faced a moral quandary: having just written about trees as persons, could I justify bringing a cut tree into my home? To answer this question, I decided to research the history…

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