native plants

Oaks! with Doug Tallamy

If you’re lucky enough to have an oak tree in your yard or nearby, Doug Tallamy will teach you that therein lies an entire David Attenborough film just waiting to be made. That’s because, among native plants, oaks are the biggest feeders of wildlife. Nationwide, oaks support 950 species of caterpillars and those, in turn,…

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Wild Natives

A friend of mine recently asked me to come over and give her some advice about her garden. As we chatted about this and that, she started absentmindedly weeding and was about to pluck out a few seedlings, when I cautioned her: white wood aster! You want to let that grow! I was quite pleased…

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Learning the Language of Flora

Have you ever been in a country where you’re learning the language and you find yourself constantly interrogating signs, commercials, etc., picking out the words you know and trying to decipher the others? That’s how I’ve felt ever since I started to learn to recognize the flora of the place where I now live, in…

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