Some Thoughts After Seeing Frozen II with my Daughter

The Snow Queen by Elena Ringo, illustration for the story by H.C. Anderson

  1. People are really nostalgic for the Middle Ages, which would suggest they are nostaligc for a pre-Industrial time (it helps if you have magic, though).
  2. Is every movie a reflection on the climate crisis now? 
  3. The nice thing about tackling the climate/ environmental crisis in a movie is that it’s solved after about two hours. Phew, that was a close one.
  4. So, Elsa and Anna are where humans and nature meet? Huh. I thought humans were where humans and nature meet.
  5. Indigenous people are also good for reminding us of the importance of nature – ergo, the Northuldra, based on the Sámi people, with whom Disney signed an agreement before making Frozen II (turns out a wee bit of cultural appropriation in the first film). I know this is a step in the right direction, but I can’t help but feel queasy at the thought of indigenous people having to sign a “treaty” with Disney.
  6. People and nature, people and nature…. I kept thinking how beautiful and stylized the natural world is in the film is and, thus, how unattainable. Like the world in a snow globe. Or a Disney movie. 
  7. I like the “next good thing” refrain. The film pays tribute to our sadness, our sense of erosion, of loss.
  8. Am I the only one who thought that Arandel should have been swept away when the dam was broken? Wouldn’t the “quest” have meant more if it came at an actual cost?