
Pertaining to gardens and landscape design.

Socially Distanced with…

Twitter and FaceBook are awash with all the strange behaviors this stay-at-home reality is visiting upon us. A good one, it seems to me, is the urge to reach out to people you haven’t talked to in a while. I’m soothed by stories that my best friend from high school (still one of the absolutely…

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Wild Natives

A friend of mine recently asked me to come over and give her some advice about her garden. As we chatted about this and that, she started absentmindedly weeding and was about to pluck out a few seedlings, when I cautioned her: white wood aster! You want to let that grow! I was quite pleased…

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Some things I’ve been thinking about lately

The San Francisco chef Heidi Swanson occasionally posts a list of articles that have caught her eye, on her blog 101 Cookbooks. While I continue to prepare the upcoming In the Weeds podcast, I thought I might offer something similar, a little path of reflection dotted with links. This time of year, one’s thoughts inevitably…

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Spring Scavenger

In the past few weeks, I’ve taken a dive into the world of audio editing as I prepare to launch the In the Weeds podcast.  It’s been a steep learning curve and, in the process, I’ve rather neglected the blog.  My apologies.  I’ve decided, while I focus my energies on this new task, to post…

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