
Socially Distanced with…

Twitter and FaceBook are awash with all the strange behaviors this stay-at-home reality is visiting upon us. A good one, it seems to me, is the urge to reach out to people you haven’t talked to in a while. I’m soothed by stories that my best friend from high school (still one of the absolutely…

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Some Thoughts After Seeing Frozen II with my Daughter

People are really nostalgic for the Middle Ages, which would suggest they are nostaligc for a pre-Industrial time (it helps if you have magic, though). Is every movie a reflection on the climate crisis now?  The nice thing about tackling the climate/ environmental crisis in a movie is that it’s solved after about two hours….

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What Story Now?

Fiction was never really my thing, which isn’t to say I don’t enjoy reading novels, but I was always a bit suspicious of it. I was more drawn to poetry’s bisecting truths. My husband, who’s written two novels, has tired of narrative in his middle age. He feels like he knows the outcomes all too…

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I asked Carolyn Summers, a landscape designer and native plant expert, what she thought could be done to address what many botanical gardens are calling “plant blindness” and which I likened to a form of illiteracy. This ignorance about plants is relatively new, she pointed out. Take a look at an old Boy Scout manual,…

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